HQ Job Description (JD)
Band 4
Directorate: Public Sector Prisons
Job Description - Health, Safety and Fire Administrator
Document Ref.
HQ-JES-0660 Health, Safety and Fire Administrator
Document Type
Date of Issue
21 January 2020
Produced by
Job Evaluation Assurance and Support Team
Authorised by
Reward Team
JD Evidence
HQ-JES-0660 Health, Safety and Fire Administrator v7.0
Job Description
Job Title
Health, Safety and Fire Administrator
Public Sector Prisons
Overview of the job
This is a non-operational specialist role based within establishments and line
managed via the Senior Health Safety and Fire Advisor within the PSP
(North/South/LT&HS) HSF&L Team.
The role supports national plans and systems for the effective management of HSF
risk through the provision of first line monitoring and support for establishment(s)
and by the co-ordination and operation of relevant establishment(s) administration
and management systems.
There are no line management responsibilities.
The job holder will co-ordinate HSF management systems within identified
establishment(s) in line with national policy, arrangements and standards.
The post is the liaison and co-ordination point for health, safety and fire
management in establishment(s), providing first line advice, information,
administration, training and support to the SMT, managers, staff, prisoners,
contractors and visitors. The job holder will undertake the role, having access to all
work areas, plant and equipment within the establishment.
The post holder will report to the Senior HS&F Advisor in the regional HSF Team.
Support for other establishments in the region may be required on an ad hoc basis
as required by the Senior HS&F Advisor, Principle HSF&L Advisor and/or the Head of
Health, Safety, Fire and Litigation (North/South/LT&HS).
The job holder will be required to carry out the following responsibilities, activities
Activities and Duties
and duties:
Health, Safety & Fire
? The administration and management of accident, assault, near miss and fire
incidents on the Sphera system.
? Responsible for the ongoing quality assurance of information, statements and
records relating to these incidents that are uploaded to Sphera, including an
annual validation programme agreed by the Principle HSF&L Advisor, Head of
HSF&L and national policy section(s).
? To advise and support Managers in the completion of Sphera accident/near miss
Investigations and daily occupiers fire safety checks for all buildings within
? The administration and management of the DSE training and assessment
software system; undertaking individual DSE assessments for acute cases and
advising Managers when ergonomic assessments are necessary in complex
? The administration and management of alternative footwear queries following
the national hierarchy.
? The management, monitoring and review of the establishment HS&F
Continuous Action Plan.
? To provide initial support and guidance to Managers and Staff on all HS&F
? To notify the Governing Governor of any dangerous conditions requiring
immediate action.
HQ-JES-0660 Health, Safety and Fire Administrator v7.0
? To complete and record a monthly compliance check for all RPE sets held within
the establishment.
? Responsible for the production, review and monitoring of Building Fire Risk
Assessments (BFRAs) within the relevant establishments. Documents must be
current and recorded on the approved format. Remedial action plans must be
developed, kept current, raised and discussed at the appropriate levels
(Governor, HSF&L Sponsor, SMTs, Service Delivery Managers etc.).
? To complete the RSET/ASET and Pre Release Movement Times (PRMT) for all
Residential Buildings within the establishment.
? To complete the PHASE Checklists or equivalent reports in draft for the Senior
HS&F Advisor to supplement and validate in accordance with the national
reporting timetable.
? To undertake Fire Incident Investigations, record findings on Sphera and provide
recommendations to the Responsible Person.
? To conduct frequent and regular safety tours of the establishment as part of a
quality assurance process; where possible in conjunction with establishment
Head of Functions, Managers and Union H&S representatives.
? To complete an establishment Monthly Assurance Report for the Senior HS&F
Advisor to supplement and validate prior to being submitted to the
establishment SMT and Principle HSF&L Advisor.
? To routinely conduct quality assurance inspections of all TFM related HS&F
matters i.e. Asbestos; Legionella and Fire Safety.
? To advise and support Managers in the completion of the following:
o Safety Tours
o Sphera
o DSE Training
o Daily Occupiers Fire Checks
o Hot and Cold debriefs for HS&F Incidents
o Establishment HS&F documentation and information
o Compliance with HS&F policy and procedures
? Refer potential RIDDOR incidents to the relevant functional manager and to the
PSP (North/South/LT&HS) HSF&L Team, and where agreed to submit RIDDOR
incidents to the HSE.
? To submit Planet FMs or New Work Requests and EIPs for all unsafe conditions
that are identified and highlighted through the completion of BFRAs and to
encourage all staff to actively report unsafe acts and conditions.
? To routinely monitor via the People Hub the establishment sickness and
attendance absence cases for RIDDOR and days lost due to accidents.
? To routinely monitor via the People Hub the establishment planning, co-
ordination and effectiveness of Immunisation Clinics.
? To routinely monitor via the People Hub the establishment compliance with the
First Aid assessment of need.
? To routinely monitor via the People Hub the establishment compliance with
Initial and Refresher RPE Training to national requirements and standards.
? To routinely monitor the production and distribution of the Establishment Arson
? To routinely monitor and support the People Hub in the organisation, delivery
and maintenance of records of RPE Training to all operational personnel; and to
be a member of a team of establishment RPE trainers delivering RPE training at
other locations.
? To routinely monitor the adequacy of HS&F Contingency Planning and to assist
those responsible with the development and testing of HS&F contingency plans.
? To routinely monitor for any changes in Plant, Premises and Processes within
the establishment, ensuring this is raised with the Functional Manager and the
Senior HS&F Advisor where necessary.
? To routinely monitor People and Business Hub data to ensure the records
maintained for HS&F are accurate.
? To advise and support Managers in the completion and maintenance of national
and local risk assessments and the risk assessment process.
? To advise and support Managers in the completion of Managers Workplace
Inspections and Safety Tours.
HQ-JES-0660 Health, Safety and Fire Administrator v7.0
? To advise and support Managers in the completion of Fire Evacuation Exercises,
assist managers in the recording of the event and dissemination and sharing of
lessons learnt.
? To advise and support Managers in the completion of Personal Emergency
Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) for all persons within the establishment as necessary.
? To support the Senior HS&F Advisor who will interpret and present enforcement
reports to SMT, Health, Safety, Fire and Litigation (HSF&L) Committee and draft
and seek approval for suitable action plans and report on progress against these
plans to SMT and HSF&L Committee via PSP (North/South/LT&HS) HSF&L Team.
? To support establishments in maintaining a sufficient number of RPE sets on site
so that the HMPPS Cell fire SSOW can be effectively implemented.
? To provide support to the Governor and Senior HS&F Advisor in the planning
and follow-up of senior management safety tours.
? To assist with the identification of training needs and reporting identified needs
via functional managers and PSP (North/South/LT&HS) HS&F team.
? With the Senior HS&F Advisor act as the establishment point of contact for
internal auditors and enforcement bodies.
? To assist and support the planning and co-ordination of scheduled visits from
enforcement bodies e.g. CPFIG/HSE audits in liaison with the Senior HS&F
Advisor and PSP (North/South/LT&HS) HSF&L team.
? The organisation of familiarisation visits with the local Fire and Rescue Service to
monitor operational procedures, maintenance of water supplies and access for
fire service vehicles.
? To monitor progress of the CPFIG Action Plan highlighting significant concerns to
the establishment HS&F Sponsor.
? The preparation and management of HS&F promotional campaigns and
? To have regular liaison with the Senior HS&F Advisor on progress and issues
within establishment.
? To have regular liaison with the Health, Safety and Fire Sponsor on progress and
issues within establishment.
? To have frequent liaison with Establishment Heads of Function (including
Security and Safer Custody) to ensure there are no conflicts of interest
developing on matters relating to HSF risk.
? To have regular liaison with the PSP (North/South/LT&HS) HSF&L team, to
ensure that Directorate and national priorities and actions for HS&F are fed into
relevant establishment management forums and processes and to highlight
progress and concerns.
? Frequent liaison with the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) to facilitate the
implementation of the local establishment fire contingency plans in association
with the FRS operational firefighting procedures.
? To attend the Directorate and PSP (North/South/LT&HS) Safety Practitioner’s
Team meeting and establishment meetings as necessary.
? To deliver HSF&L training for the establishment, including:
o HS&F Induction for all new or transferring staff, on-site contractor staff
and sub-contractors and other third parties as appropriate in line with
national Health and Safety Arrangements.
o Local Fire Marshall Training.
o To ensure the provision of other relevant training at first line level such
as stress awareness, principles of risk assessment, accident reporting
? Assist Regional Litigation Teams in the collation of relevant information and
documentation including risk assessments, accident reporting/investigation,
photographs etc.
? Assist the Senior HS&F Advisor to disseminate litigation learning within the
relevant establishments via discussions with Governors, HSF&L Sponsors, SMTs
and through wider training and briefings.
The duties/responsibilities listed above describe the post as it is at present and is not
intended to be exhaustive. The job holder is expected to accept reasonable
alterations and additional tasks of a similar level that may be necessary. Significant
adjustments may require re-examination under the Job Evaluation Scheme and shall
be discussed in the first instance with the job holder.
HQ-JES-0660 Health, Safety and Fire Administrator v7.0
? Changing and Improving
? Making Effective Decisions
? Communicating and Influencing
? Working Together
? Managing a Quality Service
It is advised strengths are chosen locally, recommended 4-8.
Essential Experience
? Good IT skills ensuring that related electronic systems are accurately
? Able user of MS Word and MS Excel.
? Basic training and presentation skills.
? Information collation and analysis.
? The post holder is required to hold or complete within 2 years of
o a minimum of NEBOSH General Certificate or equivalent;
o and the HMPPS Fire Risk Assessment qualification.
? Appointees are also required to complete the RPE Training Qualification and
will be expected to gain this qualification immediately on appointment.
? It is expected that post-holders will achieve Associate membership of IOSH
within 2 years of appointment via successful completion of the NEBOSH
Certificate or equivalent and subsequently achieve Technical Membership
within 2 to 5 years subject to F/T status.
? It is expected that post holders will achieve Technician Grade of the Institute
of Fire Engineers within 2 years of appointment via successful completion of
the HMPPS Fire Risk Assessors course.
? Will be expected to be formally trained in Sphera Administrator Use and
formally trained in Cardinus Administrator Use immediately on appointment.
? Able to deal effectively and assertively with staff at all levels.
? Able to work to tight deadlines and prioritise workload in line with demand.
Minimum Eligibility
? All candidates are subject to security and identity checks prior to taking up post.
? All external candidates are subject to 6 months’ probation. Internal candidates are
subject to probation if they have not already served a probationary period within
? All staff are required to declare whether they are a member of a group or
organisation which HMPPS consider to be racist.
Hours of Work
Leave Blank
(Unsocial Hours)
To be used by the JES Team only
HQ-JES-0660 Health, Safety and Fire Administrator v7.0
Success Profile
It is advised strengths
are chosen locally,
recommended 4-8
Changing and Improving
Able to deal effectively
Good IT skills ensuring that
Required to hold or complete within 2 years
and assertively with staff
related electronic systems are
of appointment:
at all levels.
accurately populated.
? a minimum of NEBOSH General
Certificate or equivalent;
? and the HMPPS Fire Risk Assessment
Making Effective Decisions
Able to work to tight
Able user of MS Word and MS
Appointees are also required to complete
deadlines and prioritise
the RPE Training Qualification and will be
workload in line with
expected to gain this qualification
immediately on appointment.
Communicating and Influencing
Basic training and presentation
It is expected that post-holders will achieve
Associate membership of IOSH within 2
years of appointment via successful
completion of the NEBOSH Certificate or
equivalent and subsequently achieve
Technical Membership within 2 to 5 years
subject to F/T status.
Working Together
Information collation and
It is expected that post holders will achieve
Technician Grade of the Institute of Fire
Engineers within 2 years of appointment via
successful completion of the HMPPS Fire
Risk Assessors course.
Managing a Quality Service
Will be expected to be formally trained in
Sphera Administrator Use and formally
trained in Cardinus Administrator Use
immediately on appointment.
HQ-JES-0660 Health, Safety and Fire Administrator v7.0