Advert and job description

HM Inspectors - Approved Premises inspection programme

HM Inspectorate of Probation is the independent inspector of probation and youth justice services in England and Wales. We promote excellence in these services.

HMI Probation are launching a new programme of Approved Premises inspections and are seeking to recruit two inspectors. These posts are available on two-year secondments/loans or a fixed term contract of up to two years.

When joining us on a secondment, remuneration (salary and any taxable allowances), pay progression and employment terms & conditions will be the same as currently received from the seconding employer. Due to recruitment rules, we can offer current civil servants a secondment of two years with a possibility of an extension to three years. For successful candidates who do not currently work for the civil service (for example staff working for local government/local authority) we can offer a two-year secondment. When joining on a fixed term contract the salary will be £56,532.

If applying for a secondment, you should confirm with your employer that, in principle, they are willing to second you before you apply for these posts.

If you are a HMPPS employee, senior leaders have agreed that probation staff can apply on secondment for HM Inspector (HMI) roles and will be supported with these secondments if they are successful.

Successful candidates will be allocated a notional office base, as close to their home location as possible, for the purposes of travel and subsistence, but in practice we are flexible in terms of where in the country you wish to work from.

About these roles

HMIs will be responsible for leading Approved Premises inspections across England and Wales. You may also have the opportunity to contribute to other inspection programmes.

As an HMI, you will be involved in every stage of our inspections: planning, conducting fieldwork, and drafting the final report. You will interview and hear from senior leaders, practitioners and people on probation, as well as use a wide range of data sources to form judgments. You will identify effective practice as well as areas for improvement; you will also make recommendations and contribute to final ratings. These are collaborative roles so you will work closely with the Head of Programme and other members of the inspection team, and have regular contact with the Chief Inspector of Probation. Your final report will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Justice and will help to improve practice locally and nationally.

The Inspectorate is committed to learning and development for all staff. You will receive ongoing feedback and support as you develop your professional skills.

HMIs who have completed secondments with us have gone on to take senior leadership roles in the Probation Service and broader criminal justice sector. A current HMI said:
“One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was to join the Inspectorate. It’s an organisation that is working so hard to improve probation service delivery."

About you

HMIs must:

HMIs will be expected to travel across England and Wales and spend time away from home. We want applicants to be fully aware of this requirement and to ensure this fits with your expectations and lifestyle. In addition to onsite inspection work, you will be required to attend other in-person events. We strongly encourage you to contact us for a discussion and to ask any questions - these conversations will be confidential and will not count towards your application (see contact details at the end of the advert).

We warmly welcome applications from minority ethnic and/or Welsh speaking candidates.

If you are a Welsh language speaker and you would like to discuss how your unique skill set can improve our service delivery, please e-mail to arrange a discussion with Helen Davies who can provide further insight to our commitment to treating the Welsh and English languages on an equal basis when conducting inspections in Wales. Please mark your email “HMI - recruitment, request for Welsh language discussion" and if you would like the discussion to occur in Welsh, please indicate your preference in the e-mail.

Os ydych chi'n siaradwr iaith Gymraeg ac yr hoffech drafod sut y gall eich set sgiliau unigryw wella ein darpariaeth gwasanaeth, e-bostiwch i drefnu trafodaeth gyda Helen Davies a all drafod ymhellach ein hymrwymiad i drin yr ieithoedd Cymraeg a Saesneg yn gyfartal wrth gynnal archwiliadau yng Nghymru. Marciwch eich e-bost “HMI-recriwtio, cais am drafodaeth iaith Gymraeg" ac os hoffech i'r drafodaeth ddigwydd yn Gymraeg, nodwch eich dewis yn yr e-bost.

The option of part‑time or job-share contracts can be discussed individually.

Selection process
You must complete your application by no later than 23:55 on Friday 31 January 2025

If there are a large volume of applications, we will sift on the lead behaviour of Making Effective Decisions.

We will invite short-listed candidates to an assessment centre, which will be conducted remotely on Wednesday 12 March 2025. Candidates MUST be available to attend this date as we are unable to offer alternative dates.

Candidates who are successful at the assessment centre will be invited to an interview based on a blend of Behaviours and Strengths. Interviews, which will be conducted remotely and will take place on 2 and 3 April 2025. Candidates MUST be available to attend one of these days as we are unable to offer alternative dates.

We recruit using the Civil Service Success Profiles

Further information on the structure and expectations of our assessment centre process will be sent to candidates who are successful through the application sift stage.

About us and contacts

Our vision

High-quality probation and youth offending services that change people’s lives for the better.

Our purpose

HM Inspectorate of Probation is the independent inspector of probation and youth offending services in England and Wales. We set the standards that shine a light on the quality and impact of these services. Our inspections, reviews, research and effective practice products provide authoritative and evidence-based judgements and guidance. We use our voice to drive system change, with a focus on inclusion and diversity. Our scrutiny leads to improved outcomes for individuals and communities.

We work in ways that are influential, independent, professional, diverse and inclusive. Read more about our vision, mission and values on our website:

If you would like to discuss these posts, please contact, marking your email ‘Approved Premises recruitment January 2025’.

We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all staff. We will not discriminate on grounds of gender, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, faith or any other factor not relevant to a person's work.

Key requirements of the role

Person Specification - Success Profiles


Making Effective Decisions

Clarify your own understanding and stakeholder needs and expectations, before making decisions. Ensure decision making happens at the right level, not allowing unnecessary bureaucracy to hinder delivery. Encourage both innovative suggestions and challenge from others, to inform decision making. Analyse and accurately interpret data from various sources to support decisions. Find the best option by identifying positives, negatives, risks and implications. Present reasonable conclusions from a wide range of complex evidence. Make decisions confidently even when details are unclear or if they prove to be unpopular.

Working Together

Actively build and maintain a network of colleagues and contacts to achieve progress on shared objectives. Challenge assumptions while being willing to compromise if beneficial to progress. Build strong interpersonal relationships and show genuine care for colleagues. Ensure consideration and support for the wellbeing of yourself and individuals throughout the team. Understand the varying needs of the team to ensure they are supported and their experiences are utilised. Create an inclusive working environment where all opinions and challenges are taken into account and bullying, harassment and discrimination are unacceptable. Remain available and approachable to all colleagues and be receptive to new ideas.

Delivering at Pace

Ensure everyone clearly understands and owns their roles, responsibilities and business priorities. Give honest, motivating and enthusiastic messages about priorities, objectives and expectations to get the best out of people. Ensure delivery of timely quality outcomes. Maintain own levels of performance in challenging circumstances and encourage others to do the same.

Communicating and Influencing

Communicate with others in a clear, honest and enthusiastic way in order to build trust. Explain complex issues in a way that is easy to understand. Take into account people’s individual needs. Deliver difficult messages with clarity and sensitivity, being persuasive when required. Consider the impact of the language used. Remain open-minded and impartial in discussions, whilst respecting the diverse interests and opinions of others.

Changing and Improving

Encourage, recognise and share innovative ideas from a diverse range of colleagues and stakeholders. Give people space to take initiative and praise them for their creativity. Create an environment where people feel safe to challenge and know their voice will be heard. Make changes which add value and clearly articulate how changes will benefit the business. Understand and identify the role of technology in public service delivery and policy implementation. Consider the full impact of implementing changes on culture, structure, morale and the impacts on the diverse range of end users, including accessibility needs. Identify early signs that things are going wrong and respond promptly. Provide constructive challenge to senior management on change proposals.


IT Skills

You are confident and competent in the use of Information Technology (e.g. you have experience using Word, Excel, Outlook, a reasonable amount of case management software, etc.).


Data Analysis

You have understanding of and/or the ability to use qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. You are able to interpret and extrapolate themes from large volumes of written and numerical data.


Report Writing

You can assimilate large quantities of information from a range of sources and produce a report using a ‘house style’.



Work Experience

You have worked at a senior level in a related profession. You are experienced in interacting with senior stakeholders.


Assessing Performance

You have experience assessing the quality of practice against a set of established standards.


Criminal Justice System Experience

You have experience working in the Criminal Justice System.



Professional Qualification

You have a professional qualification in Probation (youth or adult). You have a related professional qualification in a relevant occupational area e.g. social work.
